Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Good deal?

Did you ever get a good deal and it turns out to be more expensive than you hoped? I've bought jewelry before (not expensive - Lia S., etc.) only to find out that I really didn't have anything to wear it with. I go to the mall to find something to match the jewelry - NOT a good deal.

Yesterday I went to the mall in search of these pants that fit me like a glove. This is very unusual since I'm not an easy fit (big waist, long legs, small hips). Anyway, I found the same pants for 9.99 in brown. I never wear brown. I wear brown tshirts with my jeans but that's it. (I will tell you that I bought an additional two pairs on sale but not nearly as cheap but they were buy one get one 1/2 off so I got my usual gray (above) and black).

Anyway, I remembered I had a pair of brown shoes - worn once or twice. Pulled those out this morning. I looked and looked and looked. I finally found a blouse and jacket that kind of matched and wore those.

So guess what I'm doing on my lunch hour today? Going out to find a top to wear with my cheap $9.99 brown pants!!! Probably not such a great deal after all....


  1. Thats funny...i've had that happen to me too... luck finding a shirt!!

  2. When I was young and skinny and dressed for work I use to see earrings or a scarf I liked buy it and then go buy the outfit. It was never the outfit first. I was always dolled up. Now - I don't even wear jewelry anymore. Have fun shopping for the shirt. Try Walmart - maybe it'll offset the pants - like a diet cola and a candy bar!
