Saturday, February 09, 2008

Go ahead, make my day....

My wonderful SU rep said she'd deliver my order tomorrow because she wasn't feeling good. I saw someone walk by my window up to the door. I was so surprised when it was my rep with a box of SU stuff! Yippppeeeee! Got to play today instead. She definitely made my day. It was snowy so I didn't want to go out anyway.

Tried my new set (So Many Scallops) and my new corner punch. AND I used my stash - some Wild Asparagus paper from a trip to Mike's a long time ago.


  1. I want to come and play with you! Looks like a LOT of fun!

  2. ooh, thats a lot of goodies !!! and the card is gorgeous!

  3. Hey there-I tagged you for a meme. :)

  4. Well, that was sweet! That would make my day too, lots of goodies to play with :)

  5. Fun stuff!! Love the card!
