Monday, February 04, 2008


I'm not a football fan but I desperately wanted our Patriots to win. That didn't happen. How can you go win every game during the season and blow the big game?!! I really wanted them to shut those Dolphis up. I'm so disappointed. I'm also exhausted. We had company so by the time I cleaned up it was 11 or so and then I was wound up. Six o'clock came way too early.


  1. well, don't know what to say except, there's always next season ;-) ...

    Last night's cleanup just meant putting the few leftover in the fridge. DH will help putting things away, like unused plates and stuff tonight.

    I have loads of laundry to do.... sigh ...

  2. but what is left after you achieve perfection?

    and I guess maia said it best-there is always next season.

  3. Stupid Mannings. Of course I am holding Bill responsible, what with messing up the mojo by not wearing The Hoodie.

  4. Weeell, I didn't actually watch the game (for shame on me) but I had to root for the New York team. It was pretty cool to have the Super Bowl here in Phoenix.

  5. Bummer - I was rooting for NY. I don't like that Tom Brady anyway. Kinda like the Rockies when they choked in the big one. Next year maybe unless the Broncos can pull their head out their you know what!
