Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Stolen Love Hate Meme

Got this at Stacy's Blog and I thought I'd play along.

I love to eat: Can’t it just end there? I really love filet mignon, shrimp, ribs, nachos, you name it. And I have a major sweet tooth.
I hate to eat: fish & lima beans. I do love shellfish but not finfish.
I love to go: to the beach.
I hate to go: to that doctor for my yearly checkup I can’t beat your answer, Stacy!
I love it when: I get a snow day!
I hate it when: I call the emergency number and the man says the univ. is open with no weather-related cancellations, and I’ve already psyched myself up for a snow day.
I love to see: poor people win the lottery.
I hate to see: anyone being beaten up. It makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about it.
I love to hear: my favorite songs on the way to work.
I hate to hear: annoying radio and television commercials. Sometimes I can’t get those stupid songs out of my head for days!
Please let me know if you are going to play along!


  1. Oh, fun, you played along! I'm so glad I could help :) And that you agree about food and the whole ugly yearly doctor visit. I agree with you on the commercials. The older I get and the more in love with my gadgets (iPod, DVR, etc) the less I like commercials of any kind. Can't stand them, start flipping the TV or radio or whatever.

    Hope you have a great day, and I hope you get another snow day really soon :)

  2. Okay, that looks like fun, I'll need to try it too!

    I love lima beans! And I have to laugh, I also really, really despite that yearly doctor visit too!

    I miss snow days-I know how it feels to get psyched for one and not have it. I hope you get a few more before the end of winter.
