Monday, January 21, 2008

Stampin', stampin' stampin'

I had a friend over to stamp today. We didn't get as much done as we would like to have but at least we caught up on chit chat. I feel like I stamped all day!!

Here are a couple. A very nice friend (wink, wink, Kimi) lent me this beautiful Club Scrap stamp and this is what we came up with for a design.

This was my design:

Got this idea from a CTMH catty:

Can I tell you...I'm a little sick of Valentines and it's not even Feb.!!

p.s. Yeah, Patriots!!!!!!! They made history by being the first team ever to win 18-0.


  1. Hooray Patriots!
    Boo Eli Manning. >=[

  2. Cute, cute! I especially love the middle one :)

  3. the cards look so cute !! seems like so much fun to make. BTW, with the 1st card, do you color the flower after you stamp or do you put the different colors on the stamp and just stamp them once ? ;-)

    sorry I'm so clueless at stamping.

  4. My favorite is the bottom one. I love them, what fun.

    Not a football fan, but happy that you are excited!

  5. Don't be sorry, Maia! I stamped in black and those flowers were empty. I colored in with Stampin' Up markers.

    Thanks, Ladies!! You are all too nice.

  6. Your cards turned out darling. You are so talented!
