Sunday, January 13, 2008

No blues for me.....

Well, I should rephrase that - no Blues music for me. I felt rotten. I must have picked up a stomach bug. I never do that! I felt weak, shaky and didn't want to eat. That's when you know it's a problem because I always want to eat! I was so disappointed. I really wanted to go.

Anyway, I finished my first book of the year, Promise Me, by Harlan Corban. I will definitely try another of his. I really enjoyed it. I started a Nicholas Sparks today, True Believer. My mom had it in her room so I decided to give it a shot.

We are going to get another nasty snow storm which will start around 4 a.m. on Monday. We are supposed to get about 11-13 inches in my area. I yi yi!!! (or however you spell that).

p.s. Lost another pound - now down 8 lbs.!!!


  1. Oh, too bad you missed the concert-hope you are feeling better.

    Congrats on the 8lbs! Are you South Beaching? I started South Beach this week again. I lost my baby weight on it a few summers ago, but Phase 1 is tricky for me! I did refuse ice cream cake last night and had a sugarfree pop instead. Good luck!

  2. Ugh, sorry about the stomach bug. And sorry you had to miss the concert. Hope you feel better soon!

    Happy Reading too :)

  3. Hope you feel better soon. That's a whole lotta snow - be safe. Have a good week! Have a box of tissue close while reading - that guy writes some real tear jerker stuff.

  4. oh, sorry about the stomach bug. Hope you're feeling better by now.

    ps, my blog is back.

  5. Yuck. Stomach bugs are the worst.
