Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Misc. ramblings.... dh was up coughing all night long. I'm wiped out. I don't know how I'm going to make it through to 10. I have a card class tonight and we're usually done around 10:00. My ds has a horrible cold too and it's finals week. I better not get it. I told the two of them to keep their cooties to themselves.

I had another creative night. It took a little longer but I did another 2 pg. layout in my Hawaii album. I only have another two page and a single or two left. Funny, I procrastinated in starting the album but now I'm trying to extend it. I am having so much fun reliving those great memories. I thought I'd do a page titled, "Scenes from Kauai" or something like that and just put some random photos that I didn't use on my layouts.

What have you been up to?


  1. Sorry your guys are feeling icky. Hope you don't get any of those germs :)

  2. Uh oh, protect yourself from the cough !!!

    And good for you working on that album. i'm sure it was lots of fun !!!

  3. We are dealing with sickness here as well. The youngest has strep throat. Hope they all feel better soon!!

    I need to get back in the creative mode of scrapbooking... I have so many pics to get to, but not much desire right now.

  4. Oh, uh-hope DH is on the mend soon. And hope you stay healthy....

    I hope you will post some of your Hawaii layouts. I have suggested a trip to Hawaii in the sometime future and my DH only sees the $$$, not the super fun it could be!
