Monday, January 07, 2008

Happy Monday!

What a gorgeous sunrise today! I was driving past the pond near me and the sky was so pretty on the other side. Of course, when I got there, it was not above me. Isn't that weird how it looks like you'll drive right under it (like the moon?)? Anyway, I really should take my camera with me.

It feels balmy out. I think it was about 38 degrees on my way in. It will get up to the 50's today and 60's tomorrow???!!!! This is winter. How do you go from 4 degrees to 60 in a week? I'm not complaining but I just know we'll get used to the higher temps and then we'll have a cold front from Canada! Grrrrr...

So what do you think of my new photo? I thought it was funny. Get a load of the radiator in the background and that ugly fake poodle!!! LOL


  1. oh yey! you got warmth ;-) ... enjoy it till the new draft comes in. You picture is cute, and i see the radiator but can't make out where the poodle is ;-).

  2. so that is the NEW picture of you that you are going with, you look quite young :)

    fun picture

    glad you are enjoying your balmy weather.

  3. The new profile photo is great!

    I like the card you posted on SBA. I'll have to file that.

    I live in Colorado and it seems like the weather is always like that.
