Friday, January 18, 2008

Friday's Feast One Hundred Seventy six

What is your favorite beverage? Water is my non-alcoholic beverage of choice. And I love margaritas!!

Name 3 things that are on your computer desk at home or work.

At work I have my little smily highlighter (posted last week), a steno pad for my daily notes/reminders, a big pad of promotional post-its.

On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being highest), how honest do you think you are? I'd say about a 9.5. I have a hard time telling a lie. You can see it in my face if I'm telling one.

Main Course
If you could change the name of one city in the world, what would you rename it and why? Hmmmmmmm...I'm not having any thoughts here other than trying to change Intercourse, PA. Not a nice name, or I certainly wouldn't want to live there and have to state my address! How about Relations, PA?!! That would sound a little nicer.

What stresses you out? What calms you down? I get stressed out with my 17 yo.'s shenanigans or when one of my boys are driving in the snow. I usually calm down by playing in my craft room. It takes my mind off it.


  1. the same thing with my salad, too! everyone could tell if i am telling a lie! even a white lie. hehe...

    nice feast! come join me in mine if u got a time! :)

  2. Great feast! I like Relations, PA much better.

    Have a wonderful Friday!

  3. I had to laugh when I read your main course!! I forgot about that city.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  4. TEEHEE you said intercourse!

  5. I totally forgot what I was going to say because now I'm laughing at Cynthia's comment.

  6. I'm a post-its dork, I love those things! LOL! Intercourse, PA? Really? That's too funny!

  7. Hey, we both craft! I stamp also...but my knitting is more portable to wrestling meets. By all means, Relations, PA is much better!

  8. The main course is way too funny.

    Craft room sounds like a very relaxing time!

  9. LoL at Cynthia... too funny. Kids can drive us batty sometimes, can't they? Thankfully, they grow up and become human again!!

  10. I don't think I'd want to say Blue Balls either!

  11. Hi Michelle,

    Just trying to catch up, sorry I haven't been stopping by- I did see your retraction of your 9.5 over at Linda's too funny-

    I am a margarita girl myself, on the rocks with salt-please.

    My first thought of a city was also Intercourse PA, having driven through it many of times when I lived back east- However it is beautiful Amish country:)

    Enjoy your weekend!

  12. Great feast! You're such a good girl, picking water as your drink of choice. :)

    Oh, and you're right about the city. I wouldn't want to say I'm from Intercourse either, LOL!

    Hope you are having an awesome weekend!
