Friday, January 04, 2008

Friday's Feast One Hundred Seventy Four

When was the last time you received a surprise in the mail, and what was it?

I got several sheets of Stampin Up cardstock in the new colors from my SU rep. It was so nice of her to share!!!

If you could have a summer and/or winter home, where would you want it to be? Well, we are in the process of trying to build in Maine. MY preference would be at the ocean but a beautiful pristine lake will do!!

Pick one: pineapple, orange, banana, apple, cherry.

Main Course
Describe the nicest piece of clothing that you own.
All I can come up with right now is my sherpa coat. It's really cold here and it helped keep me warm walking across the parking lots to work.

If you could forget one whole day from your life, which day would you choose to wipe from your memory?

There are several but I guess I would say the one day last yr. when my ds' teeth were punched into the roof of his mouth. After waiting in the ER for an hour, we had to sit and wait for the oral surgeon to squeeze him in for an hour and a half surgery. I felt so bad for him. He just sat spitting blood into a bag for hours. Sorry, probably TMI, but it's a mother's worst feeling - helplessness.


  1. It's hard not to want to forget those times when our kids are sick. Our heart just aches for them.

  2. I think that wasn't a bad day that was a very bad event and such things you can never forget !

  3. Whenever I think of Maine I think of "Murder She Wrote". I still watch the reruns. Your dessert was horrible.

  4. I am so sorry about your son, I bet you would love to forget that day!

  5. Your dessert sounds so painful!

  6. that's a bad memory...good thing to wiped off! and the pictures are beautiful...great feast! my FF is at Hobbies and Such

  7. I'm with you on that dessert about how hard it is for a mom to watch her children suffer. Happy feasting to you...

  8. Oh! Your dessert sounds terrible! Poor thing!

    I would like an appetizer like that! :0 Happy Friday!

  9. Ouch! Your dessert hurt to read! I don't blame you for wanting to put that behind you! (Thanks for visiting my feast)

  10. I'm sorry about your dessert...I would want to forget it too...

    Yumm's been awhile since I had some of that.

    Happy Feasting.

  11. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    I am so sorry about your dessert. I agree, helplessness is the worst.

    Your soup is yummy!

  12. Great feast Michelle!! Living on a lake like that would be nice! Have a great Friday!

  13. I enjoyed your Feast. Your dessert gave me the shivers YIKES!

  14. Interesting feast. I sympathize re: the cold. It's 4 degrees here at the moment. Ugh! Thanks for the visit - happy Friday.

  15. Maine is one of my states to looks so pretty.

    It is amazing what we can endure as parents, but the moment your child is injured or in need where you cannot help is probably the worst feeling to have.

  16. i like your soup.
    i'm sorry that you had to go through that awful dessert.

  17. Great feast! Sad desert. Glad it wasn't worse.

  18. I enjoyed your feast, spiced just right. Have a wonderful weekend.

  19. Great feast! Hope you have a great weekend! May your new year be blessed!

    Jennifer :-)

  20. I guess when those bad things happen to counter balance you have your happy place of beautiful Maine.

    Would not want to be you that day- I am glad you had the strength to get through it.
