Wednesday, December 19, 2007

A Philly Christmas....

One year while we were living in PA, my BIL & SIL came to visit just before Christmas. It was so nice to have family with us at that time.

We took them into Philly to tour the Liberty Bell and all of the sights. We took a carriage ride and it was so much fun. The kids got a big kick out of it. The photo is kind of blurry - sorry! It's the only one I have. (I'm on the right)

The other place we went is to Peddler's Village. This was a cute shopping village in the country (15 min. from us). There is an old carousel that is beautiful. It's indoors and they had it decorated for Christmas. I do have pictures of that but they're in my old trunk somewhere or on a layout. I just searched Peddler's Village and found this photo of the carousel.

Anyway, it was a nice time and it was really nice having family with us for Christmas.


  1. Just did that tour this past summer. Love Philly- it is a city with a small town feel.

  2. Wow, that looks like fun! I love all of your memory posts, in case I haven't told you.

    How are you doing in all of the snow??
