Monday, December 24, 2007

No party for us...

DH was feeling miserable after shoveling/raking snow off our porch roof yesterday. Came in to rest and felt worse. He waited for it to pass but it didn't. He said he'd never felt like that before. He was dizzy, nauseous, and had a lot of pressure on his chest & his arms were tingly. I called 911 and they took him to the hospital. The initial tests came back ok but they kept him overnight and they'll do more today before releasing him (as long as the tests are fine).

The head nurse said he'd be lucky to get out at 5 p.m. on Christmas Eve. So....even if he gets home earlier, we won't go next door. He doesn't want to relive the incident and answer a million questions. I still wonder if anyone saw the ambulance, police car and fire truck.

And I still want to know why the fire truck has to go to a call like that. I will ask my cousin, the cop.


  1. I hope that DH will be okay and is home recovering now. Please post and let us know how he is doing.

    I hope you have a restful and Merry Christmas. HUGS!

  2. I have been on vacation, and just catching up on blogs,I hope DH is recovering, I will put him in my prayers.

  3. Ooh, how scary! I've been MIA on the computer for over a week, so I'm sorry I haven't stopped by early. I'm so glad he's ok and that it wasn't serious. Hope you guys had a wonderful, peaceful and RESTFUL holiday :)
