Wednesday, December 26, 2007

A few shots of the gorgeous sb gift...

Here are the front and back covers and a few pages of the scrapbook that my son's gf made me. She was such a doll to put it all together. I am pretty sure it's one of the kits from The Button Farm (side bar) but I forgot to ask her.


  1. this is beautiful ! your son's gf has a great talent. nice color choices and placement.

  2. Now that is beautiful! What a perfect gift for you too! She did a wonderful job!

  3. Is this gf a keeper? Great you two have something in common, and what a thoughtful gift.

  4. Love the cover of your book.
    Barb-n-PA SBA

  5. That is gorgeous! Isn't it nice that someone gives you a SB item for a change?

  6. Ooh, that looks great, love all of those colors! What a great gift :)
