Friday, November 02, 2007

Friday's Feast One Hundred Sixty Seven

How much money do you plan to spend this upcoming holiday season? Not a whole lot! My dh was unemployed for 6 mos. and is starting a job next week. We are keeping it low key this year.

What was the last television show you watched, and was it good? ER - it was great! Love that show.

If you had to paint the walls of your living room tomorrow, what color would you choose? Hmmm...I really like what we have now so I guess I'd do it over. It's kind of a light khaki color. It looks olive-ish at night and buttery yellowish during the day.

Main Course
Name something clever or practical you have thought of that should be invented, but hasn’t yet. I'm at a loss here but I'd love a cell phone that shows a live video of what my son is doing when not at home! Then I wouldn't worry so much....or maybe I would!!

List 3 things you would like to receive as gifts this upcoming holiday season. I need some stamping things so I was going to make a list of SU & CTMH and let dh contact my reps. He asked if they do gift cards. So...I may be getting gift cards and that's fine. I don't have much else on my list since we're keeping it low key.


  1. Great Dessert! Enjoyed your feast:) Check out mine too! It’s served already here;
    Friday's Feast
    Happy FF!

  2. Love your main course. I think we'd all rest easier with one of those! And good luck to hubby on the new job.

  3. Happy Feast Day. The salad sounds really neat.

  4. I laughed at your comment of seeing your son in action, might not put your mind at rest :)

    ..and what you want scrapbooking supplies, would of never gussed!

    Happy Friday!!

  5. Great feast Michelle!! ER was good... I wonder what's up with Abby! I want Luka to come back!!!

    Have a great Friday!

  6. loved your main course!! That would be so awesome. Great Feast.

  7. don't plan to spend a whole lot this coming Christmas, too ... :)
    love your salad! cool ...

    happy friday!

    My FF post

  8. Your wall color sounds cool. Your main course could be very scary! Sometimes I'm glad I don't know what they are doing...

  9. Great feast!! I'm a stamper too ... but with no time to stamp! :( Happy Friday!

  10. Ooh, I love your invention! I'd give those cell phones as presents to my husband and kids!

  11. Knowing what your children are doing when they are away from home would probably make you worry more.

    Great feast!!!

  12. I love to watch ER too. Enjoyed your feast. Thanks for stopping by.

  13. Happy Friday.

    I am with you on the appetizer and the dessert. We can't go crazy either with the holidays.

    I loved ER this week also. That 19 year old kid is a riot. Neela has her hands full with him. :o)

    Have a great weekend.

  14. Great feast! Low key is great, so much less stressful!

  15. Same show for me ER, also low-key holidays here. Great feast!

  16. I haven't watched ER in ages...

  17. Good luck to your hubby with his new job.
    Your main course sounds like a great invention.

    Eleisia at

  18. Low key Christmases are good..they force you to get creative and give from the heart. Great feast and thanks for visiting mine. Happy Friday!

  19. I want that main - for my 14yr old son
    hope you get your desserts too.

  20. I think you could make a fortune if you invented a mobile that would show parents what their kids were up to! I dont think the kids would be too impressed though!

  21. Loved your salad!!! :)

    Happy weekend!

  22. I've enjoyed reading your feast.
    Have a great weekend!

  23. Great dessert!love the main course too..happy feast!

  24. Great feast. I like the idea of a "nanny cam" on your cell phone.

  25. Great feast! Low-key at Christmas can be a very good thing - you can focus more on people and enjoying the season, rather than sweating all the presents and shopping :)

    OK, your paint sounds awesome! I might want to find out what that color is before we paint our living room!

    Have a great weekend :)

  26. Oooh, that would be an interesting invention-tracking your kids.

    The SU gift cards would be perfect for you!

    We are very low-key this year too. Can't believe I have to start thinking about Christmas already!
