Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Banana bread....

I baked banana bread on Sunday. I haven't done this since before my Nana passed away. She loved my banana bread. I would go to the assisted living facility to visit her and I always had a loaf in my hand, just wrapped in foil. The ladies would watch me coming in and start whispering things like, "There's Esther's Granddaughter, you know, the one with the banana bread." It was pretty funny.

I started to show up with the bread in a bag instead, hoping to conceal it. They still recognized me.

My Nana used to keep it in the freezer and dole it out a slice at a time. And she only shared with the ladies she liked. This was her all time favorite thing to eat.

So I took a break for a while because I get sad when I think of it. The other day I decided to go for it and I was happy thinking about how it made her happy.

I think I'll do a layout in the future so I took some photos as I went along.

I haven't lost my touch. The banana bread was gobbled up fast at work! Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!


  1. yumm, can almost smell those loafs - I love fresh made banana bread.

    That was so nice you would bring them to your Nana- she must of loved knowing you made such a special treat for her.

  2. mmmm, I can almost smell it! Looks yummy. I am in the process of 4 pans of brownies. No one can top my grandma's brownies (they are from a box mix, go figure).
    Happy Thanksgiving to you
    I am thankful to have you in my life

  3. Beautiful bread. I always have a problem getting it cooked all the way through. But now that I have a new oven you have given me inspiration to try again. I bet you miss your Nana. I'm sure she is watching over you and yours. Happy Thanksgiving Eve.

  4. Yum, yum, yum, love banana bread! How wonderful that you can carry on the recipe and have a great memory to go along with it.

    Happy Thanksgiving and I am very thankful for such a wonderful blog friend!

  5. Those look so good!!

    Its hard to remember ,but its great when we do!
    I came up with that on my own lol so i'm not sure how much sense it makes,but i lost my grandmother a few years ago and still feel sad to think about things we did together and things that she loved,but once i let myself remember all the good times with her I do feel better.

  6. Yum, your banana bread looks terrific! Love that you use KA flour, that's a splurge for me :)

    What wonderful memories of baking and taking that to your grandmother, so sweet!

    Have a great day and weekend!!!
