Monday, October 15, 2007

Weekend update...

I'm pooped. We had a busy weekend. Fri. I had to food shop and make desserts for Sat. We went to a party for our friends' son who came back from Iraq. It was fun catching up with people from high school!! And it was great to see the Marine safely back home. He'll head out again in the spring.

I spent several hours at a workshop yesterday making Christmas cards. I couldn't fit them all in so here are a few. They weren't the usual easy cards. There was a lot of cutting but they came out nice. The one in the back on the left has a snowflake ornament hanging in a window. Not sure if you can tell by the photo. She came up with some beautiful designs, huh? I wish I could do that!!


  1. The cards turned out great!

  2. Wow, those cards look incredible!

    Glad you had a good weekend, and I'm so glad your friends son got home safely for Iraq. Thank him for us the next time you see him - we so appreciate all of our soldiers who give so much to keep us all free and protected :)

  3. Great cards. I love to go to workshops but sometimes feel I could buy cards for what the SU Demo charges - that's why I like getting idea from you!!

  4. Hi~

    I love the cards, looks like a lot of work went into them.

    Glad to hear your friend made it back from Iraq safely!! What an honor it must have been to celebrate his return.

    Sorry to hear about your ds. It's a tough time. My dd (17) had her heart broken not long ago. I hate to say it but her boyfriend at the time had pretty good reasons but still, my heart hurt for her. They have been out to dinner recently and are still friends. I hope your ds feels better soon.

  5. very very nice cards !!!

  6. The mood at the party must of been festive for his homecoming. I think all soldiers should have such a welcoming home.

    Great cards-I love looking at them, but do not think I would have the patience. My sister-in-law makes homemade cards and I always cherish them.

  7. Your cards are always so beautiful. That big silvery snowflake one is sooo pretty! I really need to get going on some cards.

    And definitely great news on the arrival of your friend's son from Iraq.

  8. Hi

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving your sweet comment. Come back again're always welcome.

    Wow...I'm impressed...your cards are beautiful!

