Tuesday, October 02, 2007


What a gorgeous day out there! It's sunny, crisp and the leaves are a changin'! I was wishing I had a camera in the car this morning. On my way to work I pass three ponds. They were all so cool looking with the fog hanging right at the water. Gorgeous! Makes me thankful for where I live.

My dh and I had a really nice dinner last night for our anniversary. We went to a converted barn. It's very upscale and gorgeous inside.

We started with a crab dip appetizer and dh decided we needed another so he ordered the crab cake. We shared both and could have stopped there! They are known for their Angus beef so we both had filet mignon. It came with garlic mashed potatoes and butternut squash with maple syrup. It was scrumptious! Oh yeah, and I had a cosmopolitan and my dh had one of their micro brew beers. Then came dessert. I ordered the raspberry cheesecake. It had fresh raspberries on it and a chocolate crust -- to die for! My dh had a brownie sundae which were TWO homemade brownies and two scoops of a gourmet ice cream from Boston. Yum. It was really a nice night. I don't think we'll be going back soon. It was pretty expensive too!


  1. hey! Congrats on reaching 30 years.!!!... dh and I still have a long way to go.

    I guess that is really upscale barn, very nice and romantic. how sweet !!! ;-)

    Anyway, wanted to say I've been on 2 cruises (alaska, mexico) and I'll email you the details and cruise lines we took etc. Oh, and you don't look at all like you're 30+marriage age ;-). You are beautiful !!! :-)

  2. Oh my word, let me wipe the drool off my mouth! That all sounds so awesome :)

    Happy Anniversary!!!
