Tuesday, October 30, 2007


It was a brisky 34 degrees on my way in today. Tomorrow it will get up to 67. Go figure. Crazy weather.

Yesterday I drove home and thought we should hurry up and take a photo of my house with the leaves (we plan to sell in the spring). When I got there, I realized most of them are rusty colored now. I waited too long! The burning bush is really pretty right now against the gray house though! I'll have to take some tomorrow.

Got in the door and my dh told me some shocking news - our realtor passed away! I feel so bad. She was so nice and very successful in my area. It was very sudden, pneumonia & congestive heart failure. I will miss working with her on the sale of our house. I didn't know her other than as a realtor but I'm sure she will be greatly missed. Her husband passed away 6 wks. ago. I don't think she was even 60, unless she looked great for her age.

On to my work day.... I'm so happy I have tomorrow off.


  1. Did you say 34?? It was 94 here yesterday! I am in trouble since we are heading back East next week. 34 is going to feel like minus 100 for me!!

    That is very sad about the realtor. I heard of a lot of couples passing away within weeks of each other. I always wonder that they must need to be together!

  2. 67 sounds brisk to me right now! So far we're still only creeping down into the 70s at night. I miss Autumn...

    So sorry to hear about your realtor...

  3. Yes 34 yikes, out here in CA we are having a nice fall, mainly in the 80's however the morning hours are a brisk 60. Actually I don't mind I like the crisp feel that colder weather brings to the air.

    I echo snoops thougt on couples passing away together and I like her idea they just need to be together.

  4. 34 sounds very chilly! We've only gotten down into the 40's and that was cool enough when we were walking in the AM. Today (Wed) is supposed to be our warmest this week, a high of 79.

    So very sorry about your realtor. How sad.

    Take care and have a good day :)
