Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Whew! Had a whopping 3 votes....UPDATE

I appreciate the votes from the few who posted. I think I have to go with the bottom one, the flowers on flowers card. My dh liked that better and I happened to like the other, like Stacy. I think had one vote more for the flowered one.

I really wonder sometimes why I bother doing this since I don't get many readers (or maybe comments). I do find it fun though. So my new motto is not to worry about others liking me so I will continue to post for my own sake and enjoy it.

Thank you SO much to the regulars who leave comments. I value your online friendship!

Have a great day!

OOOPS, I THINK WE HAVE A TIE! THANKS, MAIA! That's the one I like better, not dh. Yay!


  1. hi !!! so sorry I'm late. :-( :-( too many things going on, anyway, you might have to recount because I choose the top one like your DH. ;-).

    ps, I'm sorry about your scrapper friend.

  2. oops, sorry to confuse you. I love the one with brown matting (not the flower mat).

  3. I wish I would have voted on this earlier but I really like the one with the circle pp. It makes the other flowers stand out.

    P.S. The hibiscus are Heidi Swapp masks. I'm using it for my Hawaii album. The great thing is you can use it more than once, or so I've been told. Here's a good site for ideas on using the masks.

  4. I haven't been able to make my blog rounds like I usually do this week, with school starting back up my mornings are so crazy! For what its worth I like the first one. I love looking at the cards you post!! Gives me lots of ideas!! *hugs*

    I am hoping things calm down a bit so I can do my "rounds" in the am...
