Monday, September 17, 2007

Weekend update...

I was the cardmaking queen this weekend! I got the house cleaned early on Sat. and went to work in my "shop". I was trying to use up images from stamp camp (still have two envelopes full) so I ended up making several kids cards. I forgot to take a photo to post.

Anyway, Sunday came along and I cleaned a little more and went to work again. I had nothing going on this weekend and it was nice and relaxing. My mom was at her sister's two nights (yay!) so I was really chillin'!

And speaking of chillin', I was freezing this morning when I went out to the car. was down to almost 30's last night. I hated to do it but I dug out the nylons/stockings and a pair of shoes instead of sandals. That didn't make me too happy.

I have tomorrow off! YAY again. I won't post why until after something happens. I jinxed it last time. Can you guess? NO, I'm not pregnant. I'm too old for that.


  1. Hope you get some time to relax tomorrow seeing that you're off work.
    Please update to say what happens....i have no guesses but now i'm curious as to what it is!

  2. you intrigued me ;-)... whats the occasion hehe ... have fun on your day off !!!

  3. Oh, the curiosity! I'll have to check back for the conclusion.

    How funny that you are wearing shoes instead of sandals. I just bought another pair of open toe sandals the other day, but I saw some very cute fall shoes that caught my eye. It's just too warm for any foot covering here!

  4. 30s?! I just started rejoicing that the temps have slipped down to the low-to-mid 70s in the evenings so I can finally turn off my a/c & open a window!

  5. You're getting 30's at night? Oh my, I am so incredibly jealous :)
