Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Taken from Jennifer O's Reflections post....

I brought these in today to show my coworker how little my youngest was when he started walking. He was only 9 1/2 months. It's a funny picture of his face. He had a weird mouth expression in this. I think maybe the colander just came off his head when I shot the photo.

This is my 17 yo. who just started driving...


  1. Aww, those are the cutest pictures! It's so funny how time flies. I don't have kids of my own, but I remember my nieces and nephews being this little. The ones who are married, have kids of their own and are just entering their 30's. Ugh. Makes me feel old :)

    P.S. How is the driving coming? In my first month or so, I took out a garbage can AND a mailbox! :)

  2. OMG---you mean my little 17 month old will be driving sooner than I think?? Oh, if I could have a stop button on the clock some days...

    He is adorable. My kids would rather play with a two dollar colander than all the toys in the store. Amazing.

  3. I echo the comments of stacy and snoop- just was going to say how time flies from 9 1/2 months to 17
    just like that.
