Thursday, September 20, 2007

I hope this year goes by fast...

Not that I want to rush my son's life but I hate the worrying already. Last night he asked if he could be home around 9:30-10 with the car. Is said, Sure, but no later. 10:15 rolled around and my stomach started to churn. 10:40 rolled around. I finally called his cell, not wanting to scare him while driving but worried at the same time. His phone was either dead or had no service. So I sat there worrying and considered calling my cousin, the cop, if he didn't show up by 11. I thought he could help me search. I had visions of sirens and everything else in my head. So just about 11:00 he strolled in. He claims he asked for 10:30-11. Grrrrrrr....
My stomach is still killing me.

Oh, on the upside, he did get a job!!!!!!!!!! I hate to put more negative in but (and that's a big one! LOL), he was given the choice to start today or Friday. What do you think he chose?!!!!! Yep, he was busy with social obligations today. I hope this job works out. I'd love to end my ATM role....


  1. congrats on your son's driving test and for getting the job. you can still be an ATM but only accept deposits ;-)

  2. Hey, congrats on your son's new job and having some money for that extra margarita.

  3. Well, I'm glad he got a job, congrats on that, but boy, I'm with you. I'd be worried if I thought he was coming in at 9:30 and he didn't get there until 11:00. I don't have kids, but I've got to imagine that as hard as it is for them to be teeny and needing so much attention as babies, having them grow up and be teenagers has got to be a lot worse! I know you'll survive though, just hang in there :)

  4. Oh, boy, the license thing...practice deep breathing and meditation...

  5. Oh, I'm not looking forward to the driving thing. It will probably make these preschool years look peaceful!
