Friday, September 28, 2007

Friday's Feast One Hundred Sixty Two

How are you today? On a scale of 1-10, I'd say a big fat zero. DS issues again.

Name 3 television shows you watch on a regular basis. Ugly Betty, Grey's Anatomy and ER.

What’s the scariest weather situation you’ve experienced? We had a tornado touch down a mile from us when we lived in MI. It was our first and we didn't know what to do being from the Northeast. We went to the basement and were petrified. It turned out fine but it was scary.

Someone else's post just reminded me about the Blizzard of '78. DH and I drove home through it and it took 2 hrs. to get home. The highways were all closed with people stranded in their cars or at work. They had emergency crews out delivering food to people. My dh and I lived in NH so the next morning we went skiing since we couldn't go back to MA to work.

Main Course
If you could wake up tomorrow morning in another country, where would you want to be? I'd say Australia, just about as far as I can get!!!

What do you usually wear to sleep? sleep shorts and tank. I'm always hot at night.


  1. Australia is a good choice. I too am always too hot at night. Have a great FF and weekend. :)

  2. what a scary salad!! Have a wonderful Friday--great feast.

  3. Great feast! Scary Salad. Have a wonderful weekend.

  4. Sorry to hear you're having a bad day..hope it gets better soon. Hugs! Thank you for stopping by to dine with me as well.

  5. I remember that 78 blizzard too - 19 inches of snow here in Detroit.

    What did you think of Gray's last night??

    Enjoyed the feast - thanks for visiting mine:)

  6. I hope your day gets better. Great feast!

  7. I remember the snow of 78 as well. Hope your day improves.

  8. Great feast! Those weather events sound pretty frightening to me :)

    Ugh on the "big fat zero" on your ok scale for the day. I hope he's ok and is just being late and worrying you and nothing more serious. You couldn't pay me to have a teenager, I don't think :)

    Hope you end up having a good day and a GREAT weekend!!! Hang in there :)

  9. Well - regarding your DS all I can say it will get better. I had troubles too but now I can say everything is good. I have two DS's and they both put us through hell. Hugs.....

  10. The huz lived in Oz for 5 years and is always pestering me to go Down Under with him for a visit. I'm sure I'd love it but unfortunately our finances won't allow it at present. But we can always dream!

  11. Great feast! My husband is from NH so I get so excited when I see someone mention it. I'm such a geek!

  12. Ya know? Snow actually DOES scare me ... IF I'm driving in it. I try to avoid that like the plague. Australia would certainly be good...

  13. I think if I could wake up in Australia I'd be there's the long flight that scares me...
    have a great weekend..

  14. Oh, I hope things will improve with DS and I am sending a bunch of hugs for you.

    Australia sounds like a fun place to check out. Never been,but my husband studied music there for a few months and loved it.

    I remember all the blizzards in the Northeast. One of the reasons I haven't returned!

  15. Although I don't have a DS I have a DD, so I can relate! Hope your weekend is wonderful!

  16. Great feast! ER is one of my favs too.
