Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Back to School....

It's the day we dread all summer....the students and faculty are BACK!! My son starts here tomorrow though. Maybe I'll see him once in a while!

What a weekend. Too long to post but it was pretty relaxing except yesterday. First my husband almost electrocuted himself in the room next to me in the basement. He was screwing something in by the fuse box and blew it out. I heard a bang but couldn't see anything. Scared the you-know-what out of me. He said he was ok so I ran up to get a flashlight. I was shaking for a long time. Then he opened the bulkhead doors to take out a fridge. There was a little snake waiting for him. Yuck.

Then my ds flunked his road test. Poor kid. He did so well with the three point turn, parallel parking, etc. Unfortunately he's not used to city driving and the instructor told him to take a left at the end and he did not see the lights mounted on the building. He would have gone through the red light (left) if the instructor hadn't pulled the emergency brake. I need to call to make another appt. today. I felt so bad. He was really disappointed and embarrassed.


  1. Ugh, first nearly electrocuted and then a snake? That's horrible in my book (mostly the snake!). Sorry about your son and the test. I know how upset and disappointed he must be. Driving is monumental at that age. Hope he passes the next one just fine, and soon :)

    Have a great week!

  2. Wow, an eventful day! Yikes!

    I can imagine the disappointment your son must be feeling. It is really nerve-wracking to begin with. I wish him the best on the next time around.

    And thanks for checking in on my blog and kind words for my little one and my family. I really appreciate it.

  3. Oh, i'm a DMV flunkie too.

    I passed my written but failed my actual driving test 3 times. I had to retake the written test and finally passed the driving test. ;-). I practiced driving on the streets where it was not crowded just to be comfortable enough taking the car around. You know, I thought that if I was nervous in it to begin with, the instructor is going to make me more nervous. So anyway... yes, I chose a DMV testing site which is far away from freeways so he can't have me drive on the freeway. ;-)

    Until now, I'm not too comfy on freeway driving but I can go places (m's t's j's, anything shopping) using local roads. I'm all good ;-)
