Monday, September 24, 2007

Almost through with the forties....

What a weekend! Fri. night we went out for a pre-birthday dinner. It wasn't so great. I wanted to go to Margaritas and dh thought it would be too crowded so we went to another local Mexican restaurant. It used to be great. Well, they put us in this little corner booth that was a weird place so we asked to be moved. They put us in a regular booth (the restaurant wasn't even crowded).

So....the margaritas came and they were practically clear, definitely not green. Took a sip and it was like pure alcohol. We told the waitress and she said they're all like that (we ordered Gold). She said they use lime juice, triple sec and tequila. I think they forgot the lime juice. She brought us some sweet & sour mix to add to it and we still couldn't drink them so we sent them back and got a beer. At least the food was good.

Saturday I started early (up til midnight fri. night). I had a 9 a.m. class that was 30 min. away. Had a blast at my Angela Moen (Button Farm on my side bar) class. We made a gorgeous stadium album but didn't finish. I still have a few pages to do but her directions are great so it's not a big deal. She has absolutely gorgeous kits to purchase. I was dying to get another but just couldn't spend the money. My son's girlfriend was there as a helper and it was great to see her.

Went to my SU workshop and had fun making 8 really nice holiday projects. I was exhausted when I got home at 10:45.

Last night my son and his gf (and my other son and his gf) surprised me by coming by for dinner and ice cream cake. And my mom was home from her trip too.

It was a nice weekend.


  1. Happy belated birthday! It sounds like you had a really nice, extended celebration. :)

  2. Wow, sounds like you had a fun time. It's to bad about the margaritas.....I love margaritas!!!! Well like you said the food was good and you can't go wrong with a beer especially if Mexican food is involved!

  3. Sounds like a great birthday weekend! So glad you got to go to the classes and get all of that crafting in :) Bummer on the margaritas. Glad the food was good, and for a belated birthday present, just head on over to the other place and get a yummy margarita this weekend!!!

    Happy Belated Birthday!
