Monday, August 13, 2007

Vacation interruption...

Thought I'd just update today since I won't have time the next two.

Today I may take my ds to the Butterfly Place. It's a big greenhouse that has beautiful exotic butterflies. He loves photography and wants to get some good shots.

Tomorrow morning we're heading to Maine. We're staying overnight and will head back Wed. afternoon so I can go to my card class.

Unfortunately my dh was told that he can't swim in a lake, pond, hot tub, for another 6 weeks. Ugh....we do hope to get out on our friend's boat but I guess he'll have to stay dry.

Finished another book last night (Big Bad Wolf/Patterson) and started "Perfect Murder, Perfect Town"(not sure of author). I had nothing else here to read. I should have brought a few books home from work. Later!


  1. Have fun during your vacation !!! would love to see butterfly pictures if your DS takes them.

  2. Wow, I love butterfly conservatories and stuff, so fun to try to photograph them. Post a few if you get a chance :)

    Have fun in Maine, and have a safe trip. Bummer on the swimming, but hopefully the boat will work out.

    Oh, and kudos to you for finishing the Patterson book, you go girl! Happy Reading, and enjoy your vacation!!!

  3. Definitely post butterfly photos-hope you have a wonderful time.
