Monday, August 20, 2007

Just a little photo....

Don't we make a cute couple?!! LOL (I look old enough to be his mom!!) Seriously, I cut my friend out because I'm not sure that she'd want to be posted. He is the NICEST guy! He's so patient and inspiring. Don'tcha just love this woman who poked her head in the photo?


  1. I think you make a cute couple!!! How cool is that picture?

  2. oh wow! that picture is so cool. you need to put a flower embie over the lady's face ;-).

    BTW, haven't visitied for some time. Love the pictures from your vacation.

  3. Great photo! He really is just the nicest person, isn't he? I did a make n take with him at CKU-KC a couple years ago.

  4. Great picture of you, girl (but that lady in the back needs to not stick her nose in your picture!) :)

  5. Oh my..... he's nice eye candy! LOL

    shame on that lady for getting in the pic!
