Friday, August 24, 2007

Friday's Feast One Hundred Fifty Seven

Say there’s a book written about your life. Who would you want to narrate the audio version? All I can think of is Kathleen Turner. She narrated one of my son's books and it was great. Maybe she'd make it sound interesting?!!

Take the letters from your favorite kind of nut and write a sentence. (Example: Perhaps every avenue needs understanding today.)
Perhaps everyone could analyze nuts. (sorry, I'm in a rush here!! LOL)

If you could go back in time and spend one week in another decade, which decade would you choose? The nineties. I had a lot of fun back then.

Main Course
Name a song that brings back memories for you. I can think of a few and they're all so differeent. One is "It's Raining Men" by the Weather Girls? I used to go out dancing with work friends every now and then (in the 90's) and it was a blast. The other is a whole set of Beach Boys music that dh and I used to listen on the way to the cottage on Cape Cod when we were dating. The last one (I'm not a Bette Midler fan) is Wind Beneath my Wings. My oldest son's DARE graduation had a slide show to this song and I think every parent was crying at the end.

Do you prefer to wash your hands in cold water or warm water?
It depends, but usually cold. I tend to run hot these days. In the winter, it's warm for me.


  1. Ha! Wind Beneath My Wings....makes me cry too - God I'm such a girl. Fun feast!

  2. Ooh, great feast Michelle! You're so right about Kathleen Turner, what a voice. I assume your life story would be very sultry if I heard her reading it, LOL!

    Those are all some great songs! I remember that Raining Men song, fun :)

    Have a great Friday and a wonderful weekend!!!

  3. Here Here to your desert! I'm aways hot...come back by, I responded to your reply on my feast about the plastic seat. I think I figured it out! :)

  4. Your main course is quite eclectic -- everything from It's Raining Men to Wind Beneath My Wings! You must enjoy a very wide variety of songs.

  5. I tagged you for the 8 Random Things About Me Meme!

  6. Great feast Michelle! I love "Wind Beneath my Wings". And I fixed my "cashew" LOL

    Have a great weekend!


  7. great choice of songs...wonderful feast

    Mine's up too

  8. that was a fun feast!

    mine's up too.

  9. Your feast is fantastic! You're right about Kathleen Turner's voice! It is fabulous!

    Wind Beneath My Wings has always remained one of my favorite songs!

    Happy FF! :o)

  10. Wow - how did your son get Kathleen Turner to narrate his book? Great choice too!
    LOL at your soup (it really did make me laugh! :D Great answers for your main course too!
    Thanks for sharing your feast and joining in mine - hope you're having a great weekend :D
