Friday, August 03, 2007

Creative Blogger Award

I'm so excited to be nominated by Stacy, one of my favorite bloggers!!! This is my very first award and I'm not sure that I'm deserving this one but will accept anyway!

Thanks so much, Stacy and Jodi (see post above) for making my week!

I nominate Maia at Iannesphere and Becky K at My Ramblings (see SBA ring list for these links - Sorry!)


  1. You deserve the Creative Blogger-especially for posting all your cool card projects! Plus, you always take time to post on our blogs and it's really great to have friends out in cyberspace! Congrats

  2. oh you totally deserve it, mamichelle! you always take the time to read and leave comments too.

    smoochies to you ... ;-) (pun intended.)

  3. Thanks for the nomination, Michele!

  4. You're very welcome, it's totally deserved! You're one of the MOST creative bloggers I know, if not THE most :) Congratulations!!!
