Thursday, July 05, 2007


Yay! I'm on vacation. Feels weird with no place to go but it's nice just relaxing. I scrapped a page last night to bring me to a whopping 30 pgs. for the year (much less than last year at this time).

I'm going through old sb mags and giving them to my son's gf who is a scrapper. I need to clear out some of my huge piles of magazines!!

Gotta take my dh to the dr. for his knee and they'll decide if he needs surgery today. Also have to run to the post office to make a rak and hopefully pick up my SU order today (small, but at least I'm getting retired paper!!!).

Enjoy your day!


  1. Sadly, I think you've got about 30 pages up on me so far this year! I'll catch up with you eventually! ;)

  2. Have a very happy vacation. I was gone to my Mom's - hardly a vacation! What an ordeal that was. I need to post something on my blog about it.

    I get to go (I'm hoping) on a happy vacation in September to Philadelphia to visit my son. He wants a fence in his backyard - that's what parents are for I guess.

  3. Enjoy your vacation! How wonderful to just be able to relax. I may have to schedule one of those kind of vacations for myself.

    Also, you've been tagged. Look at my blog for details!

  4. Yeah, enjoy your vacation! I haven't scrapped in ages, so you're way ahead of me too. Be proud of what you HAVE done :)
