Monday, July 02, 2007

Interesting day....

It's the first day of my new boss. I have to prove myself all over again. I have been working with the same man for 5 yrs. and he's moved up. They say it's temporary but I have my doubts. I'm very happy for him but not for me. It's not that I don't like my new boss, I really do. It's just that her mgmt. style is the opposite of my old boss. I will be micromanaged hopefully only for a while. I'm so used to telling my old boss what is going on with budget, payroll, etc. instead of having to print and analyze budgets to share with my new boss.

I was asked what my functions are and are not. I really have to think about the things I do. I do them automatically and some are seasonal so it's hard to remember everything.

So today is the day our new leader will be here. I guess it's the changing of the guard all around. Everyone is moving up, around and out!! I already miss my old boss.


  1. oh, its always difficult to work with a new person. hang in there .... i don't like being micromanaged too. ;-(

  2. Hang in, hopefully she will just want to see how things work and be able to know everyone's positions better. I hope it will become a positive experience.

  3. Oh, maybe you can train HER! LOL! That siutation always stinks! Good luck!
