Friday, July 27, 2007

Friday's Feast One Hundred Fifty Eight

Describe a toy you remember from your childhood.
Ok, don't laugh too hard but my mom bought me a doll (I had a doll collection). This doll was kind of like a Raggedy Ann doll, soft and stuffed. It had my picture for a face. She's very weird looking. Anyway, I put it in the guest bedroom to scare my friend when he comes to visit! He jokes that she's Talking Tina from the Twilight Zone.

On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being highest) how observant are you?

I'm so observant, I notice the same people every day on my way to work. I've posted before about the woman who walks every day and I always feel bad. She's going in the opposite direction though and she'd probably think I was weird to ask her if she wants a ride anyway. (Ok, I forgot to give myself a number. I'd say a 9).

Where would you rather be at this very moment? I'd love to be on a beach on a beautiful island. How about Hawaii? My boss is there at a conference. I don't want to go to the conference though!!

Main Course
When was the last time you learned something new? Hmmm...can't think of anything at this time. I'm learning all about the circus by reading my current book, "Water For Elephants".

Fill in the blank: I have been to Hawaii (on the same subject) but I haven’t been able to go back yet.


  1. I enjoyed your feast today. That doll does sound a littel creepy---and that was a pretty good Twilight Zone episode! ;-) Never been to Hawaii myself!

  2. Great feast! I want to go to Hawaii!!

    Have a great Friday!
    ♥ Jodi

  3. Hey, maybe that lady wants to walk. I wish I could walk to work and loose weight that way instead of the "other" way...

    Creepy doll~

    Loved Hawaii too but never been back either.

  4. I'm with you on dessert. I want to take my husband who has never been. Have a great FF and weekend. :)

  5. wow, lucky you've been to Hawaii!!

  6. I've never been to Hawaii, but I would love to go! Maybe when I get brave enough to get on a plane?? Great feast - Happy Friday!

  7. LOL on your appetizer ;-). loved hawaii and want to go back. ;-)

  8. The doll sounds creepy but I got a chuckle from reading about it.

    I really would love to go to Hawaii-so glad you had the chance!

  9. Great feast! I think we should all meet up in Hawaii! :-)

    Thanks for stopping by.

  10. Great feast! My husband has been to Hawaii (when he was in the military) and promises we'll go one day. He's says it is probably the most beautiful place he has ever seen - no wonder you'd rather be there, huh?! Except I'm with you, no conference :)
