Monday, July 23, 2007

A few quick ones....

I actually scrapped last night...just a quick one page for my ds' book. It was another Christmas lo. I have two more to go and then I can move on.

These are cards I made for an inspiration swap. It was a bedspread with circles in those colors. Not sure which I'll send yet....opinions please! Here's the inspiration photo:

Got layout inspiration from a newsletter from Angela at the Button Farm (sidebar link).

This one is my own idea. Simple, using SU paisley background, Rubber Soul cocktail, Mike's STudio G "celebrate". Sorry about the blurry photo (as usual).


  1. Your cards are nice as usual. Would love to have that bedspread!

  2. Love that bedspread!!! And the cards are just as great!!!

  3. The cards are great!! Love that bedspread!!
