Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Back on the beach...

Well, I started back on South Beach Monday and have done well so far. We had corn on the cob two nights in a row and I was very tempted but didn't indulge.

Last night our friend from Maine was staying over so my dh cooked delish steak tip kebabs with mushrooms, onion, orange peppers, zucchini and summer squash. I have a scrumptious recipe for a marinade that I got from my uncle. It has a gazillion ingredients but all very simple (A-1, ketchup, brown sugar, celery salt, garlic, dry mustard, pepper, etc.).

Anyway, it was very good and I stuck to the diet.

Totally different subject here though. I have a question for you. I was sticking to the tile floor this morning (just washed it this weekend). So I was wondering, where do you spray if you use hairspray?

My dh sprays over the bathroom rug by the shower and I sometimes spray where I stand at the sink and other times go into the bedroom. But then I think I"ll ruin the carpet. At least the floor can be washed. I just hate the sticky surfaces it creates but I couldn't live without!


  1. that marinade sounds very yummy! could you post the proportions?

  2. I will try to remember to write it down tonight and post tomorrow! I don't have it on my computer. (unless I reach my dh at home and he can read it to me today). Thanks for stopping by!
