Monday, July 09, 2007

Another vac day...

Went shopping for bookshelves for my sb room. They still don't have them. :-( Anyway, I ate my fav salad at Panera, the Fuji Apple Chicken. YUM!

We stopped and bought corn on the cob for tonight. It's band practice here so we usually make it an easy dinner.

Here are a couple more cards. I've been creating away!! And I'm more than 1/2 way through my book!

Lifted this from a Paper Craft magazine, I think! I'm trying to get rid of all of the ideas I ripped out of mags.

I made this for a bling swap. Somehow I feel like I already posted it though. My memory is toast! I used SU paisley background, Delight in Life flower and SU cs and HS bling (I think it was a prize from Kathy M).


  1. I love that happy birthday card! Very nice and it's simple, which I love. Seems like you're enjoying your vacation, so glad to hear it.

  2. how cute ! love your cards! ... re panera. I will have to try that salad some day. We recently went to one and dh loves their green tea. We get about 6 of it and bring some home for next day ;-). The person ringing up usually says "six?"

  3. Love the birthday card - the color combo and the stamp are great.
