Wednesday, June 06, 2007

What a day off.....

I got a comp day for working Sun. So...I got up early, got my son off to school, waited for the carpet people, did laundry, showered, went over the bill situation with dh, read People mag while waiting for the carpet installer to finish.

Went for a ride with dh to: post office, by a few condos/houses he's interested in downsizing to (:-( , went up north to a few stores. Bought new comforter for my ds' room and he likes it!!! Also found an area rug for the kitchen breakfast nook area (thanks to Maia!!!). Ran home and cooked dinner, then tried to put ds' room back together. Didn't quite get it all done and had to run and pick him up. He semi-liked it but wants to make some "minor adjustments". I'm afraid of what that might be!

I guess I'll get back to unpacking things and making his bed tonight.


  1. You packed in a lot for a day off! Cute cards the last couple of posts - I have behind catching up on the blog ring.

  2. Wow! Doesn't sound like you were off! Sounds like you were working harder than most! LOL

  3. Wow, lots of busy-ness for a day off! Hope you had fun shopping! :-)


  4. Wow, that's a lot for one day, and a comp day at that. Girl, you do too much! Glad you got so much accomplished though, bet it felt good!
