Thursday, June 14, 2007

I need a vacation!!

It's crazy here at work. NO time for fun. I've been putting fires out all day. I hope it ends soon! Not likely though. :-(

I also need some home alone time and that won't happen any time soon. Since dh is unemployed, I get bombarded as soon as I walk in the door. He must be lonely during the day. He's keeping busy but this man can talk. As a matter of fact, he doesn't know how to stop. LOL So he's very demanding of my time when I get home and I finally sit down to create and my cell rings. It's my ds wanting a ride home. Ugh....I need to do something about this but I'm not sure what.


  1. I have no advice, but I completely understand about needing time in your own house alone. It doesn't happen very often for me anymore. And DH is a talker too, especially if I am busy doing something like scrapping or even working.

    I hope you get a much deserved break soon!!!

  2. So sorry you are having such a crappy kinda day!!!! Hope it gets better and that you get your much needed vacation.
