Saturday, June 09, 2007

Busy bee...

I was so busy at work yesterday between my current boss moving up to his new position and my new boss coming in, all while our fiscal year end is happening (and our summer semester), I'm going nuts! blogging time for me. I even skipped the Friday Feast.

Had my boys here for dinner for my mom's bday and we had to cook in rather than out. It was raining pretty much all day. We had delicious steak tips, chicken kebobs, shrimp kebabs, rice pilaf and a delicious cake made with ice cream sandwiches (in Kraft magazine this month). I even had a piece, went off the diet for a bit.

Tomorrow will be difficult. We're going to a kiddie bday party at my BIL's. He and my dh haven't spoken since about 2 yrs. ago after their mom passed away. He wants to go because he doesn't think it's fair to punish our niece and her kids. It'll be very uncomfortable, I'm sure. Can't wait until it's over.

I hope I have some play time tomorrow night. I'm having withdrawals....more later.

1 comment:

  1. Hope the party at your BIL's went okay. It's hard when family treats each other badly. We've been going through a similar thing with my dh's aunt and we saw her for the first time in years last month at dh's uncle's birthday party. It was difficult, but I'm glad we were all able to be at least civil to each other for the sake of his uncle.

    Hope you also get to play tonight. It can be such a great stress reliever to play : ).
