Friday, May 18, 2007

Friday's Feast One Hundred Forty Four

List 3 emotions you experienced this week. Fear (I thought there was going to be a war at home after my dh cleaned my ds' room), depression (no spending), happiness (opened a great big box of jewelry).

Name a car you’d love to have. A cute little convertible something would be nice. I saw an adorable Porsche yesterday.

Describe your typical morning routine. Wake up at 6, make the coffee & take vitamins, go back upstairs and shower. Wake ds up first time. Get a cup of coffee. Put makeup on and wake ds up second time. Blow dry hair, get dressed, see if ds is up. Make salad & grab food items for work. Leave between 7:30 and 8 a.m. & drive to work.

Main Course
Have you ever emailed someone famous? If so, who, and what did you say to them? Did they reply? No, I don't think so?

Do you listen to podcasts? If so, which ones? Nope. Wouldn't have a clue. They do this in work all the time, I know I should know!!


  1. I think a convertible sounds wonderful too!
    My Life as Annie!

  2. I would like a convertible too - if I knew how to drive LOL.
    Thanks for sharing,

  3. I'd love a baby blue convertible. Your morning routine sounds like ours. I keep checking on my teenage daughter if she's gotten up yet and remind her to jump in the shower.

    Have a great weekend, and thanks for the fantastic feast!

  4. I would LOVE a convertible--letting my hair down and letting it blow in the wind.

  5. I hate not being able to spend sometimes too. We're on a want freeze until we go on our vacation and recover from that expense. That and I keep seeing all this baby stuff I want(more really need to) to get...ugh!

    Sparkly jewelry is nice though. :)

    I also hope Oprah responds. Another friend of mine wrote to her about the same lil' girl I spoke of in my feast. Hopefully something will be done.


  6. I would have loved a convertible. But being a mom has changed me LOL.
    The Toyota van I mentioned in my answer must only be available in Asia.
    I hope the a war did no ensue after the cleanup LOL
    Thank you for the visit and have a great weekend!

  7. Great feast! Your morning sounds a lot like mine used to (minus the kid exchanges, of course). Hope you get that convertible one day :)

  8. Cute about checking on your DS during the morning routine. My DS is only three, but I have to do the same thing!

