Wednesday, April 18, 2007


I had Mon. off for the holiday and was ready to get dressed on Tues. when someone called to say the univ. was closed due to flooded streets. YAY!

I ended up going to the DMV for my mom, Circuit City with my son's laptop, Mike's and my lss.

Then I got home and went through emails and stuff. I finally sat down and scrapped. YOu know those lo's that you just sit and stare at and nothing seems to work? Well, that was it. One lonely page that should have been easy. None of my papers or embellishments seemed to work. I finally ended up using rubons for my title and stamping some borders with my new Penny Black Foliage stamp. It's ok, not great, but it's done.

Then I played around making some cards for my swap. THAT was fun! Can't wait to see them all.

I have to leave at 2 today to take my son to the dentist for a filling. Then I'm going to a CTMH workshop tonight and a Silpada tomorrow night.


  1. What's a Silpada? You are so busy. I'm going to a SU workshop on Saturday - woohoo. Maybe I'll make some more cards for another swap sometime.

  2. Adding on...

    visit my brother's website:

    on the Vineyard.
