Thursday, April 05, 2007

Oh boy, am I old!!

My son is 21 years old today. I feel ancient. I keep thinking back to the day he was born. I called him right at his birth time and felt like Billy Crystal's mom on City Slickers. She calls him every year at his birth time and he knows exactly what she'll say. hehe I hope I don't get like that.

I'm so looking forward to the weekend. I really need to get caught up. I made one Easter card last night and sent that off but I need several more. I also have two card swaps to make cards for!

I took Monday off so maybe that'll help me get caught up with cleaning. I did make two appts. though, one for guidance at my son's school (college info) and the other for another crown! Oh joy.

1 comment:

  1. happy bday to your DS. I still have a lllloooooonnnnnngggg way to go before my son turns 21. ;-) ... i'll be in my 50's then, ... oh brother! I just had a visual {ugh}
