Monday, April 23, 2007

Gorgeous weather!!!

Spring has finally sprung here! It was so beautiful out all weekend. Today will get to 85!

Sat. night we went rug shopping after dinner at Smokey Bones (YUM). I overate as usual. Got the pulled pork, mashed potatoes and green beans...and a nice cold beer, of course.

So we ended up finding the family room & dining room area rugs. The house looks so much better. It was way too much wood before. I still cannot find my kitchen one. I think I'll just order from Pottery Barn because I haven't seen anything close to what I want. They weren't that expensive which surprised me.

So my house is on the way to looking decent for my Lia S. party in a few weeks. My friend came by as my dh and I were out on the patio relaxing. She brought the items I ordered from her party and the things I need for mine. She's new to this so she's very excited!

I didn't do a whole lot in my sb room. I did cut most of the pieces for my card swap with Kimi though.

Got to get to work. Later!

1 comment:

  1. OMGoodness I LOVE rugs. When they are just right! I haven't been in Pottery Barn in a LOOOOOONG time. I think a bit overdue. Enjoy the new decore! :)

    Chat soon
