Friday, April 13, 2007

Clean scrap space....

I felt so good after cleaning up all the little lose ends on my desk area the other night. I just had to take a picture. I also took a photo of the wall that's blank until I get off my butt and order my bookshelf. This will have storage below so I can tuck all my junk into hiding. And my paper can come off the floor. It's amazing how red my paint looks in photos. It's really much nicer than this!


  1. WOW! Look at that red, it looks gorgeous! And I love your armoire, so much storage space. Very cool :)

  2. Ooooohhhh...preeettttyyyy!!!!

    I can't take a photo of my desk and post it. It's too scandalous! LOL

  3. I love your armoire! Where did you get this one?
