Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Boring blog....

Sorry I haven't had any photos to post lately. I just can't seem to get to it all! I took a photo of the cards I made at a CTMH workshop but forgot to bring in the card to upload.

Yesterday my son got his cast off. Yay! He's too funny. I thought I'd let him go in by himself because I want him to grow up. He is 17. And honestly, I didn't want to smell the horrible smell! LOL So he came walking out with the cast in his hand. I asked what the heck he wanted that for and he said he was keeping it. He said, "don't worry, mom, I took ripped out all the smelly stuff inside!" Eeeeewwww! I guess he wanted it because it had some cool graffiti on it?! He's still my little boy at heart!

So I got home early and it was beautiful out so I took a long walk. I was sweating half to death when I got home but it felt great. The podiatrist just gave me the go ahead last week to resume exercising. My foot wasn't great when I was done but I'm going to go for it anyway. My waist line is expanding rapidly!!!

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