Thursday, March 08, 2007

Nerve wracking day yesterday...

My credit card number was stolen. Two orders placed - one for $650 something at and another for $120 something at They said they'd take care of it once the charges went through.

So we got a package in the mail addressed to someone not at my house. Called the company on the label and verified it was They said it was a notebook computer.

So we started getting very suspicious thinking that someone we knew placed the order and were going to pick it up from my steps (they paid for overnight delivery). So I felt sick to my stomach all day. Called and found out the orderer was from Turkey. So I feel so much better. My card was canceled and the charges will come off.

We've been straight out trying to toss things in the house in the dumpster we had from the flooring mess. Tonight we are going to pick our carpet out for the hallway and bedroom. Tomorrow night I'll have to food shop and pack for ME. We are snowmobiling again this weekend. I need a rest!!!!!!!!!


  1. Wow, what a pain! We've had that happen to us. They ordered $1600 worth of contacts from 1-800-contacts. Our credit card company was great about it, which really helped. Glad yours is going to be taken care of too. And yeah for the progress on your house and your snowmobile trip! Have fun :)

    P.S. Currently, as I type, it says it is 73 degrees here!!!

  2. I had my wallet stolen once. This was way before Internet. It's a pain in the you-know-what to get it all fixed. DL, checks, cards, etc. Glad everything worked out for you. I wonder how they got it and why they shipped it to you?
