Friday, March 23, 2007

my 3 Questions For Thursday...

Got this from Queen of Cute Shoes blog again! I know it's Friday but I thought I'd answer anyway!

1. What time do you usually get out of bed? Week days I'm always up at 5:55 a.m., weekends I'm usually up by 7 or 8:00, depending on when I went to bed.

2. What are 3 short term (in the next week or so) that you'd like to accomplish? I'd love to put my 1) dining room and 2)scrap room back together.

I'd also love to get organized for my Stamp Camp for next weekend!

3. If you had to buy 3 grocery items right now, what would they be and why?

Fat free half & half (I'm running low and can't live without)
Splenda (ditto)
Edy's Samoas ice cream (my 17 yo. loves this and can't live without!).

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