Thursday, March 15, 2007

Last night...

I didn't get a thing done. I went down to the basement (my temporary sb location) and my ds' band was practicing. It was a little loud but not too bad. I searched though my stash of cards to see if I could come up with a bday for my aunt, get well for a fellow SBA'er who is having surgery, my cousin's bday, my dh's aunt's bday, the list goes on. I have a lot of March/April birthdays. So I came up with one for each and thought I'd scrap G's "Secret Residents" (mice) page but didn't want the guys to think I was listening to them (there was a little cursing going on and they had no idea I was outside the room). So I went upstairs to see if I could get some ideas for Stamp Camp and fell asleep browsing through the SU catalog. What is wrong with me?! It was around 8:30!!! The guys came up after practice and caught me dozing. Maybe the time change is affecting me more than I thought?! 8-)

Here's the lo I did two nights ago. It's when G broke his arm before Christmas. It's not anything great or artsy but it's done. I am tired of stressing over how it looks!! Just simple and easy from now on.

p.s. I need to find my Un-Du to get that adhesive off his hospital bracelet!! It's boxed up somewhere.

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