Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Woe is me....

The saga continues on the appliances and I'm really getting fed up. I will NEVER buy from "Best" Buy again!

On the house, it's so depressing. I got home last night, the fridge was in the dining room, dishwasher and stove in the family room and piles of furniture were in the den/my scraproom and also dining room. There was a thick layer of white dust on everything. My new stainless fridge looked almost white!!

I couldn't get to the temporary microwave so we decided to go to Chili's for dinner. Yum, two beers and a full rack of ribs! I was in heaven.

I had the day from hell. In the morning, I was on the phone with BB on the appliances, and then took a 1/2 hr. to cut things on the Cricut. Left for the dentist and had a temp crown installed. Ouch. Ran to my son's school to pick him up and get him to the gum specialist. Dropped him off and ran to have my mammogram. That was the best part of my day if you can believe it!!!!!!!!!!!!

My son needs a root canal, then a crown and then gum surgery. They have to graft skin from the roof of his mouth and insert it above the front tooth that was knocked in. And I thought he was fine with not having to have the root canal and braces! NOT.

I took a bunch of photos of the floors and forgot to bring the card to work. They look really good with the cabinets in the kitchen. I was afraid of them clashing. So now I have to pick out paint really fast and I'm really bad at it!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, you guys just can't catch a break with all of this stuff! I hope it all starts falling into place soon. I know once you survive this whole thing, it will look great and you'll probably be so happy. I can't wait to see the pictures!

    On a bad note, we had problems with Sears when we got our new washer/dryer in December. We were thinking of getting our next appliances from either HomeDepot or Lowe's or maybe even Best Buy. I think we might have to stay away from Best Buy now!
