Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Aaaah, just got off the phone with my coworker who is on maternity. She really is coming back on Tuesday!!! Yeah! I cannot wait. I'm taking Fri. off to go to Maine snowmobiling. We are finally getting some snow this week! They're supposed to get 18 inches at our friends' place in Maine. SNOW much fun! hehe

Still haven't heard from the installer on the microwave!!! And my floor is looking worse by the day. The guys called to say they want to come tomorrow to start the tile so my poor dh was scrambling last night to get the rest of the linoleum up! He's decided to pay them to do the kitchen floor and pull the carpets up so that they can install the hardwood floors. He's killing himself doing this! So i'm happy that he doesn't have to do it all. He has rhuematoid arthritis and shouldn't be doing all this.

My mom got home and had a nice time. Brought me a nice tote bag from Harrod's!

Back to the grindstone. More later...


  1. Ooh, lots of news, most all of it good! :) Glad you'll have some help at work, yeah, have fun in Maine going snowmobiling. Be safe traveling back and forth!

    Hope the tile and hardwood go well and that you get all of it all done and straightened out soon. It sure is taking a while to install that silly microwave! :)

    Ooh, a tote bag from Harrods, lucky girl!

  2. I LOVE Harrods!!! I always make a trip there when in London and buy things I don't need but cart around in my suitcase anyway! My dog even has a chew toy from there.

  3. Oh, snow fun!!! be safe and warm!

    Also, hope all your home improvements will be done soon. PICTURES !!!
