Saturday, February 03, 2007

Ugh...not again!!!

I hate to say it again but Murphy's Law has taken up residence in my house! Got a couple of inches of snow last night so I got up really early (7:45) so that I could shovel and shower before the installer came. HA! He came at 3:00. It was supposed to be between 9 and 1:00.

The dishwasher is in but he opened the microwave and it was seriously damaged. I'm so angry! I'm trying not to let it bother me but now they have to ship another on Thursday and then the installer has to come.

At least my counter is cleaning product free!! The other counter still has the old microwave on it and the big microwave box & old one are in the corner.

Oh well....I suppose it could be worse!

On the crafting side, I made a bunch of cards last night because someone at work let me borrow a few sets. I feel like I have to return them on Monday so I made as much as I could.

Then my sweetheart of a son came to help shovel and made his gf a valentine while here. I also gave him a bunch of schlock again!! One of these days he's going to need a spare room and mine will be empty! ROFL. Back to the cards. Maybe I'll scrap tomorrow.

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